ABQ Homicide Blog (revised)
Status Quo There is a preconceived notion among Burqueños’s and Burqueñas’s that we have issues when it comes to violent crimes , and especially homicides . Unfortunately, th e n otion is justified . In 20 22 , Albuquerque wa s ranked as one of the 10 most dangerous metro areas in the na tion . A lbuquerque’s violent crime rate is currently 10.1 per 1,000 people , which is significantly higher than the national rate of 4.0 per 1,000 peo pl e . However, what has recently added more fuel to the fire is the recent upward trend in Albuquerque’s homicide rate . The typical rate for homicides before 2015 was between 30-40 murders and between 60-80 murders from 2016-2020 . Unfortunately, from 2021-2 0 22, the homicide rate increased astronomically , and is currently between 110-121 murders (See in Figure 1). Figure 1 Source: “ A look back: ABQ ends year with 121 homicides - Albuquerque Jour...